Durance Kanujugend


04.08.2014 - 15.08.2014    


Buchungen geschlossen


Camping du lac "les Iscles", Guillestre, Frankreich, 05600


Lade Karte ...

Die Wildwasserfreizeit an der Durance der Rheinbrüder Karlsruhe

#_TAGICALURL Displays the URL of the event ical feed (ics file format) which shows all events happening in this tag.

#_TAGICALLINK Displays an html link to the event ical feed (ics file format) which shows all events happening in this tag.

#_TAGRSSURL Displays the URL of an RSS feed showing all upcoming events happening in this tag.


 #_EVENTICALURL Displays the URL of the event ical feed (ics file format).

#_EVENTICALLINK Displays an html link to the event ical feed (ics file format).

#_EVENTGCALURL Displays URL which would take the user to Google Calendar and pre-fill their add new event form.

#_EVENTGCALLINK Displays a button which would take the user to Google Calendar and pre-fill their add new event form.


Buchungen sind für diese Veranstaltung geschlossen.

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